
- M/s Maruthi Powers Control Systems, has been of Great service to us, showing sincerity, dedication towards customer service for last 10 years. Their Engineers have good technical knowledge and are at their best to satisfy customers like us. They had been very helpful in resolving the power issues especially in the current situation where we have frequent power cuts. We have been served, to the fullest satisfaction. I wish them "BEST" to continue their Good Work and Pray God to bless them.
- Anto JL Kings, - Managing Director

- My experience working with Maruti Power Control Systems for the last 7 years was very much a positive one. Their professionalism was excellent and I would like to continue relationship with them in future. I would like to convey my special thanks for making the office move project a very pleasant experience.
- R.T.Kripakaran, - Senior Regional IT Operations Manag

- This is inform you that we have been using UPS and Invertors, Supplied by M/s. MARUTHI POWER CONTROL SYSTEMS, CHENNAI for the past 14 years in our office and factory and we are very happy with both their product's and backup services offered by them. As a satisfied customer, we recommend the prospective buyers os UPS/Invertors to engage the services of M/s. MARUTHI POWER CONTROL SYSTEMS. wE WISH GOOD LUCK TO M/s. MARUTHI POWER CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR THEIRS FUTURE ENDEAVORS.